Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Shopping Bags

Hi again,
I thought I would share with you a couple of crochet shopping bags I made recently.

This lavender and red one is made from knitlon.It really took a lot more balls of this than I anticipated so actually turned out to be the most expensive shopping bag of life! so no repeats of this one.It also took quite a long time to make.This is what happens when you make up patterns as you go along.But it is lovely and I do get a lot of compliments on it.
This one I made some time ago.It is made up of granny squares in 8ply and the inside is lined with a navy blue shantung.I got the idea for this one from designers Romance was Born a few seasons ago.
The handles on both bags came from Spotlight.

Coming up in future Blogposts will be:

Whats in my bag?
Whats on my Dressing Table?
and lots of other stuff and Mr Lovely said " Wen do you reckon you will run out of things to say on your blog?" with a smirk on his face.
What an idiot!

Wendy xx

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